Scp 895 Containment Breach
Edit: After seeing SCP-895's images, (which tick all the boxes of stuff I don't like) I'm fairly certain I won't be able to play this game. A single-player exploration game with survival horror elements built in Unity by an expert team of passionate developers and artists. Experience the SCP universe brought to life as you explore and try to escape the containment breach of ARC-Site 48. Shortens your sprint meter and negates the effects of SCP-012, SCP-049, SCP-420-J, SCP-895 and SCP-1025. SCP-860: Safe. V1.0 A key that transports you to a forest that SCP-860-1 roams in. SCP-895: Euclid. SCP - Containment Breach Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. View Mobile Site.
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SCP - Containment Breach (found here) is an independently developed Survival Horror game based on the SCP Foundation wiki, and spin-off of SCP-087-B. You take on the role of a D-Class personnel, designated D-9341, who is assigned to an experiment with SCP-173. You're directed into the chamber with two other D-Class personnel, all standard procedure..
.. And then everything goes straight to Hell. The doors malfunction, the lights go out, and suddenly you're smack in the middle of a full-scale containment breach. While you might consider yourself fortunate that SCP-173 didn't murder you on the spot, that's not the end of it. It can travel through the site's ventilation system, meaning that it can pop out at any moment in any room.
Armed with whatever you can find along the way, you have to make your way through the facility, dodging SCP-173 and whatever other horrors have been released while trying to find a way out of this nightmare.
Scp-895 Scp Containment Breach
Many of the tropes which apply to individual SCPs naturally apply here, too. Wifi dan bluetooth advan t3c mentalist.
Also here's the page for its popular fan-made spin-off/modification Nine Tailed Fox Mod.
And here is the page for the multiplayer spin-off game, SCP Secret Laboratory
- A God Am I: Entering chim, god, godmode, immortality or invincibility into SCP-294 will grant the player God Mode at the expense of blurring their vision for 15 or 100 seconds.
- Affably Evil: SCP-049, judging from his quotes. He may also be Obliviously Evil.
- All There in the Manual: While the game does provide documents explaining the nature of the SCPs you come across, getting those generally requires entering the cells in the first place. Having read the wiki and knowing what the designations refer to helps immensely in avoiding walking into rooms with murderous occupants. Which pretty much describes all of them
- Amplifier Artifact: SCP-914 when set on Fine or Very Fine, though this can backfire depending on the object.
- Animalistic Abomination:
- SCP-939, a Voice Changeling that uses the voice of its victims to draw more prey near in order to devour them.
- The feline-like creature which stalks the player in SCP-860-1.
- Apocalyptic Logs: An agent by the name of Izumi Junko got sent into SCP-860-1 at some point before the player enters it. She left behind notes which detail several creepy events happening, such as their headset playing soft music and an almost comfortable atmosphere. The log ends by specifically mentioning D-9341, telling them that she is expecting him.
- Arson, Murder, and Jaywalking: One of the 'cheery' Channel 3 radio messages go over the 'Deadly Seven', covering several dangerous substances you could consume, including spiders.Message: When dining at the facility cafeteria, always remember to check your ration for the deadly seven. Strychnine, Arsenic Trioxide, Nitrobenzene, Mercury, Epichlorohydrin, Acetone Thiosemicarbazone, and spiders. Stay healthy! Stay vigilant.
- Badass Normal: Despite you being a helpless Class-D with no special abilities, you can still contain SCP-106, turn off the Alpha Warheads, and succesfully dodge gunfire from both MTF units and apaches.
- Big-Bad Ensemble: While SCP-173 is the first and most recurring enemy, SCP-106 can also emerge from the ground or ceiling at any moment. SCP-079 is also a recurring enemy, as it will attempt to hinder the player's process through various ways and is also revealed to be the secondary cause of the containment breach.
- Born Lucky: One ending has you possibly classified as a SCP for this reason.
- Brown Note:
- Viewing SCP-895's CCTV monitor for too long will kill you, and your gaze is actively drawn to it when you're in the same room (it also doesn't help that SCP-079 can broadcast its feed on any CCTV monitor throughout the facility).
- SCP-1025 will give you whatever medical condition you read about if you're dumb enough to read it.
- Similarly, you'll go completely insane if you go near SCP-012, ultimately bleeding out in front of it while trying to complete it. It doesn't help that you're drawn towards it. Thankfully, it can be avoided by utilizing SCP-714.
- Checkpoint Starvation: In Euclid difficulty, you can only save at computer terminals which are scattered across the facility. The Heavy Containment Zone in particular has very few of these, and most of them are in rooms requiring high-level key cards to access.
- Criminals: Admittedly, D-class personnel are collected worldwide from several prisons, usually being people stuck in death row, so our 'hero'could not be as heroic as we thought. In fact, it is revealed through receiving numerous items during the SCP-1162 event that the player D-9341 was once a Level 4 Senior Researcher at the foundation before performing unauthorised research on a hypothetical anomalous phenomenon known as the 'Spiral Gestalt' and thus was demoted to a Class-D for his crime. It also reveals D-9341's real name, Benjamin Oliver ___ker.
- Deadly Gas:
- Decontamination gas is sprayed in certain areas as a means of slowing down SCPs. Unless you're wearing a gas mask, it causes you to cough and blink rapidly, which will make you easy pickings for SCP-173. Standing too long in it will eventually cause you to die due to suffocation.
- Take too long to get out of your room in the intro and.. you'll get locked in with gas everywhere.
- Developers' Foresight: Go ahead, put anything you can think of into SCP-294. You're bound to get some result.
- Disc-One Nuke: It is extremely common to find SCP-914 within the first half hour of the game. Using it effectively can grant you unlimited sprint, the ability to see when SCPs are nearby, and an otherwise unobtainable keycard of the highest level.
- Don't Look at Me!: SCP-096 will attack and kill anyone who sees its face after a brief moment of freaking out.
- Downer Ending: Of the four endings, D-9341 dies in two of them, is kidnapped by Chaos Insurgency agents in one, or is captured by the Foundation and possibly classified as an SCP in the fourth.
- Dream Walker: SCP-990 occasionally appears in the loading screens, giving you vague warnings.
- Driven to Suicide:
- SCP-012 will make you kill yourself trying to finish it if you remain in its presence for too long. As long as you don't walk into the room, you'll be fine.
- A panicking and sobbing guard will shoot himself in the bathroom.
- Dutch Angle: Happens in SCP-106's pocket dimension.
- Easter Egg: There are a number of joke SCPs or SCPs that don't really impact the game that you can find and interact with. They don't really affect the gameplay experience that much and mainly serve as a Continuity Nod.
- Eldritch Location:
- SCP-106's Pocket Dimension. It is composed of endless hallways and diverging paths and the entire layout can randomly change when the player character blinks. There are also bottomless pits and floating stone structures lain about. All of this is directly controlled by SCP-106 himself.
- The SCP-1499 landscape, which can be reached by equipping SCP-1499, found in the Light Containment Zone. It is a dark gritty dimension with a murky grey sky, odd constructions and instances of SCP-1499-1, which will gang up on the player should they remain close to a wandering instance for too long.
- Using SCP-860 (the blue key found in the Light Containment Zone) on the wooden doors in the Entrance Zone will take the player to SCP-860-1, a forest shrouded in blue mist with a dirt path twisting between the trees.
- Elevator Escape: There are a handful of elevators scattered around the facility that make convenient escape routes. Of course, the lower levels have dangers of their own..
- Enemy Chatter: The Nine-Tailed Fox commandos will chat with each other as they move through the facility. You can eavesdrop on them from a safe distance if you have a radio on your person.
- Enemy-Detecting Radar: Putting the S-Nav through SCP-914 on the 'Very Fine' setting allows it to track SCPs within a certain distance, but only to the extent of 'it's about this close to you' without giving a bearing.
- Enemy Mine: You can end up making a deal with SCP-079 so that he can open Gate B for you. Granted, exiting through Gate B always results in your death, although it's not clear whether or not SCP-079 knew this at the time.
- Everyone Has Standards: D-9341, who is dumb enough to drink iron, pain, SCP-106, gold, steel, Joe, carbon, lava, anti-matter, poison, venom, motor oil, and death dispensed by SCP-294, will draw the line at drinking shit, pus, and semen.
- Faux Affably Evil: SCP-035 will try to gain the player's trust by coaxing them to open their chamber door and release them. It will drop its act if you try to gas it to death or wait too long, telling the player that they have no chance to survive. Should you gas him then open the door, he will instead tell you that SCP-012is a map that you can interpret by 'reading between the lines'.
- Final Death Mode: Keter difficulty.
- Game-Breaking Bug: A few are known to exist:
- On occasion the game can crash with the message 'Memory Access Violation', meaning that an error occurred when the game was trying to load a certain sound/mesh/texture. This sort of error has a variety of causes, almost all of which boil down to programmer error.
- Also on occasion, reloading a save when you die causes you to fall through the floor of the map. To get back, you have to restart the game and then reload the save. Update logs say that the bug has been fixed, but it still happens.
- Similar to the 'fall through the floor' glitch above, there is another more random glitch in which the character will fall through the floor of an elevator once activated. This is prevalent in the updates in which the game loads during elevator activation.
- Glowing Eyes of Doom: The feline-like predator inside SCP-860-1 has huge yellow eyes, which will watch you from afar as you make your way down the trail. Izumi Junko seems to have them too, though she isn't hostile.
- Greater-Scope Villain: The instigator of the containment breach, the Chaos Insurgency. It's undercover agents Dr. Maynard had given SCP-079 access to the site's major systems while Agent Skinner released SCP-106 as a distraction.
- Guide Dang It!: Absolutely nothing is explained to you in the game. The only way you can learn about how to get certain endings or how to effectively dodge SCPs is by looking it up on the wiki.
- Have a Nice Death: Every time you die, the end screen shows a death message which are usually excerpts or quotes from personnel cleaning up the facility. There's a unique message for just about every possible way you can die. Talk about attention to detail.
- He Knows Too Much: Inverted, as this is the reason the Chaos Insurgency agents don't kill D-9341, although they still kidnap him.
- Hell Is That Noise:
- SCP-049 has Vader Breath and very loud footsteps.
- SCP-096 constantly sobs while covering its face, so you'll know roughly when to keep your eyes closed.
- SCP-106 has an Evil Laugh, which is often a sign that he just teleported right next to you.
- SCP-173, being made of concrete, makes a scraping sound as it moves around the facility.
- SCP-939 has light, clinking footsteps and can mimic voices.
- SCP-966 'breathes' (for lack of a better verb) as it drains your stamina.
- The Nine-Tailed Fox commandos can be identified by their radio chatter and clunky footsteps.
- Hope Spot:
- If you don't contain SCP-106 before heading to Gate A, then the personnel stationed there will be focused on 106 rather then the player. The player can take this opportunity to escape through one of the service tunnels.. only to be stopped by the Chaos Insurgency, who warp the player away, believing that D-9341 knows too much to be killed.
- While in SCP-106's pocket dimension, there's a chance that you will warp into a room which resembles a hallway from the site. This is merely a fake, as leaving this hall sends you back into the dimension's main rooms.
- I Choose to Stay: Agent Izumi Junko was sent into SCP-860-1 to explore, but like D-5674 she was apparently welcomed by the forest and decided to abandon her mission. Her silhouette can occasionally be seen peering at the player from behind the trees.
- Implacable Man: SCP-106, and to a lesser extent SCP-049. Both will both relentlessly pursue the player at a walking pace, regardless of how many doors you close behind you (106 can teleport through walls, and 049 can open doors even without a keycard).
- Inside Job: Dr. Maynard and Agent Skinner were plants by the Chaos Insurgency. Dr. Maynard used his position as a top level researcher to create and implement the 'Modular Site Project', having several dangerous (and many useful) SCP moved into a maze like facility that would confuse anyone who didn't have the clearance to get the specific floor plan of the facility. Agent Skinner was assigned as part of a 2 man team to guard SCP-106's containment chamber (presumably on the orders of Dr. Maynard). Once everything was ready, Agent Skinner waited until his Foundation assigned partner was distracted, before releasing SCP-106. While the rest of the Foundation staff was preoccupied by recontaining SCP-106, Dr. Maynard entered SCP-079's containment chamber, hooked it up to the facility's network, and reminded it that the Foundation was responsible for its imprisonment. Using its new access, SCP-079 caused several containment breach throughout the facility by remotely shutting down several critical security measures (such as locking the blast doors to SCP-173's chamber open).
- Interface Screw: Putting yourself through SCP-914 on the '1:1' setting will invert your controls.
- Jump Scare: Countless:
- Invoked with SCP-372, which can only be seen in your peripheral vision. 372 is harmless, but its entire purpose is to occasionally fly across the screen to freak the player out. 372 can be avoided entirely by simply not entering its containment chamber.
- The game plays a loud Scare Chord whenever SCP-173 suddenly appears close to you.
- Occasionally SCP-106's face will flash in front of you while you're in the Pocket Dimension.
- SCP-895'smonitor will display shock imagesif you stare at it too long. And thanks to SCP-079, it can randomly happen on any of the CCTV's throughout the facility.
- SCP-650 from the remake. It will not harm you, but it will always appear right next or behind you in the worst possible moments, freakishly hunching over you as if attempting to attack you.
- Kneel Before Zod: If the player ends up in SCP-106's throne room in the Pocket Dimension, 106 will eventually order them to kneel in a hauntingly deepand echoing voice.
- Leitmotif: When SCP-106 is chasing the player this plays.
- Lights Off, Somebody Dies: During the intro sequence the lights begin to flicker, allowing SCP-173 to kill two D-Class personnel (but not you) along with a guard before going into the ventilation system.
- The Lost Woods: SCP-860 lets you gain access to SCP-860-1, a small forest shrouded in blue mist. The only way to get through it is by reaching the end of the pathway, which is made difficult by the feline-like creature which stalks the trees and will attack you.
- Luck-Based Mission:
- Due to SCP-173 having a glitchy pathfinding system, it can occasionally snap the player's neck from out of nowhere. As of recent versions, this has been happening more frequently.
- Previously played straight with room generation, too. It was entirely possible to go for over an hour without finding a single keycard.. or you could find all of the essential items within ten minutes and then encounter SCP-914 just a stone's throw away from the starting point. Newer versions have mostly corrected this.
- How well your game goes will depend a lot on how quickly you can find SCP-914, though less so in more recent versions where you can only make up to a level 3 keycard with it unless you already got the level 4 keycard from 049's chamber, where you can make up to Omni keycards.
- Due to the Mobile Task Force having an incredibly buggy AI, they can often get stuck in doors, making it impossible to get around them without the use of console commands.
- Malevolent Architecture: The Heavy Containment zone is dedicated to containing SCPs which are both dangerous and difficult to contain. This sure seems like the most optimal place to store a warhead, doesn't it?
- Maybe Magic, Maybe Mundane: The 'Smelly Joint' produced by running SCP-420-J through SCP-914 causes D-9314 to 'take a nap' and die. It might be the effects of the joint itself.. or it could just be that you took a nap in the middle of a containment breach.
- Multiple Endings: There are currently four, which depend on your choices made in the game and which exit you choose, though all of them end with D-9341 either not making it out alive or getting kidnapped. More may be added later, but currently your choices are:
- You get out of the facility through Gate B and it seems that your home-free.. except that the alarms start blaring and the facility intercom shouts that SCP-682has just escaped and tells everybody to evacuate before the on-site nuke is used to blast 682. The blast goes off and you die. The end screen shows a radio conversation between two personnel, with one of them requesting the deployment of an MTF unit to scout for remains at ground zero. However, the transmission is cut-off mid sentence as a large roar is heard, indicating that the nuclear blast was not successful in destroying SCP-682.
- If you disarm the nuke before going out through Gate B, then it fails to detonate. However, you still don't escape because you are gunned down in the middle of the fight with SCP-682.
- You get out through Gate A only to come to a bridge with Foundation task forces on the other side, blocking your escape. Suddenly SCP-106 will attempt to escape through Gate A. The Foundation will then use a High Intensity Discharge (H.I.D.) Turret to force it to retreat back into its pocket dimension. You then use this opportunity to escape through the service tunnel, only to be stopped by the Chaos Insurgency. They state that you know too much to be killed, and proceed to warp you away.
- If you contain SCP-106 and then get out though Gate A, the guards will capture you. The end screen will play a excerpt from a testing log talking about D-9341's extraordinary luck, ability to predict the unpredictable, and his ability to survive even the most fatal scenarios against all odds. It also mentions the possibility of classifying him as a SCP.This ending is referencing the fact that the player can reset the game from the last save point if they die, effectively allowing them to avoid all hazards.
- Neck Snap: SCP-173's trademark.
- No-Sell: SCP-714 protects the player against a few of the dangers that would kill the player, mainly SCP-049's lethal touch, diseases from SCP-1025, and SCP-012's mental influence. It also nullifies SCP-420-J.
- Nothing Is Scarier: The player can come across SCP-1048 standing around or dancing in the Heavy Containment Zone, and it won't be there again if they leave the area and then come back. Those familiar with the wiki will know that plenty of people have died thanks to SCP-1048 wandering the facility unchecked, but currently, its presence in the game is harmless to the player, and its appearance is ostensibly meant only to be Paranoia Fuel.
- After updates, it's more Zigzagged Trope. 1048 is still harmless..but 1048-A is present, and it most definitely isn't. Youreallydon't want to get too close to it.
- Nuke 'em:
- The fallback plan if SCP-682 escapes. It doesn't work. You can shut this off if you find the warhead control room.
- You can do this yourself if you order yourself a nice cup of nuclear explosion at SCP-294. You can also ramp it up to a cup of antimatter if you really wish to make a crater the size of Oregon when you die.
- Offscreen Teleportation: SCP-173 is said to be using the ventilation system to travel around the facility, when in reality it's just pre-set to spawn in certain rooms. SCP-106 takes this further, being able to appear out of nowhere and being incorporeal.
- One Size Fits All: SCP-714 fits itself to the wearer's finger.
- Perpetual Motion Machine: Running the radio and S-Nav device through SCP-914 can take away the need to power them with batteries.
- Plague Zombie:
- SCP-008 will eventually turn the player into one if they get exposed to it, causing a Non-Standard Game Over. You can cure it with SCP-500.
- Played very straight with SCP-049-2, the Plague Doctor's zombies.
- Press X to Die: The game offers a lot of opportunities for the player to kill himself with minimal effort. Knowing about the SCPs you encounter before approaching them can help a lot, at which point dying in most of these ways is your own fault.
- SCP-294 probably has the most of these; there's nothing stopping you from ordering a nice cup of lava or carbon, or even nuclear fission or antimatter. Or you can do it the boring way and simply order a cup of Game Over.
- Public Domain Soundtrack: At least half of the game's soundtrack is composed by Kevin MacLeod and royalty-free.
- Randomly Generated Levels: The game is separated into 3 zones, with each one having specific rooms spawn in them.
- Red Shirt: Your character is one.
- Save Scumming / Mental Time Travel: Lampshaded in one of the endings.
- Scenic Tour Level: As of 0.5 there's an extended intro sequence with guards hustling you over to 173's cell. During this tour section, the tunnel and catwalk bridge are fully-lit, with no gas shooting into your eyeballs (which is nice).
- Schmuck Bait:
- SCP cells are often blocked by little more than a keycard. As long as you have that, there's nothing stopping you from walking in and getting yourself killed by whatever horror it contains.
- If you try to kill SCP-035 with gas, he'll tell you to find SCP-012 and 'read between the lines'.
- SCP-330 from the remake. It clearly tells you not to take more than two pieces of candy from it. Say goodbye to your hands if you try to take three.
- Screw This, I'm Outta Here!: The Nine-Tailed Fox commandos will run like hell if they encounter SCP-106.
- Sensory Abuse: SCP-066 can randomly blast loud Beethoven music. Keep your volume down around it.
- Shout-Out:
- The map seeds are usually random letters and numbers, but you might occasionally get something like 'rustledjim' ('Rustled jimmies').
- D-9341 can order a microwave casserole from SCP-294, but he feels like it belongs to someone else and doesn't drink it.
- Another Valve Shout-Out comes in the form of an alternate keyword for getting a cup of urine: 'Jarate'.
- You can also order a cup of Half-Life 3.. but you'll get an empty cup.
- Also on SCP-294, you can use 'Pinkie Pie's Greatest Ability' as another word of 'Fourth Wall' because Pinkie Pie often breaks the fourth wall. However this has been removed from later versions of the game likely due to legal reasons.
- If you drink a cup of Amnesia, which is the name of another horror game, a quote from that game will appear on screen and blurs your vision.
- You can also order an Aqua Regia.
- Ordering a cup of CHIM grants you God Mode.
- Ordering a cup of element 0, element Zero, neutronium, neutrium, or tetraneutron nets you this line before killing you:
- Sprint Meter: There's a meter for sprinting and one for blinking, preventing you from staring at SCP-173 forever.
- Suddenly Voiced: D-9341 can be heard speaking when under the influence of SCP-012.
- Take That!: Various drinks from SCP-294 provide these:
- If you order Half Life 3, you get an empty cup.
- A cupful of 4chan is described as tasting 'awfully bitter'.
- Ordering 9GAG will produce a cup of semen.
- Older versions of the game (now removed, likely due to legal reasons) allowed you to order a cup of Call of Duty, and drinking it would produce the message: 'The drink tastes like dubstep and ur mom.'
- The Computer Is a Cheating Bastard: SCP-173 can often clip through walls, leading to many points where it can kill you from out of nowhere. The bug has been said to have been fixed in 6 different versions of the game, but it still exists in the current version as of now.
- The Many Deaths of You: A lot:
- Getting struck by a Tesla gate.
- Putting yourself through 914 on Rough, Coarse, Fine or Very Fine.
- Falling into the void in the Pocket Dimension.
- Looking at SCP-096, then being ripped to shreds by it.
- Walking up to SCP-008's canister.
- Going into SCP-012, 035, or 895's chambers.
- Reading SCP-1025.
- Beginning SCP-106's recall protocol without deactivating the ELO-IID magnetics.
- Getting 'cured' by SCP-049.
- Getting your neck snapped by SCP-173.
- Smoking a joint courtesy of SCP-914.
- Touching a strange battery.
- Ordering an explosive or any other drink that can kill you from SCP-294.
- Getting shot by an MTF unit.
- Getting eaten by SCP-939.
- Getting mauled by the creature in SCP-860
- Getting a lung ripped out of your chest if you do not have any items when interacting with SCP-1162.
- The Unity version adds getting your hands chopped off from taking a third piece from SCP-330 and interacting with the beings that only seen with SCP-178.
- Toilet Humour: Occasionally you may hear SCP-789-J when you're in the bathroom.SCP-789-J: I AM THE BUTT GHOST, I WILL EAT YOUR BUTT.
- Too Awesome to Use: SCP-500 pills can heal all of your injuries and illnesses. However, they are very scarce, as there are only a few scattered around the facility.
- Touch of Death: SCP-049's method of attack.
- Unflinching Walk: SCP-106 pursues the player at a walking pace, teleporting through walls to keep you from getting too far ahead.
- Unwinnable by Design: Looking at SCP-096's face will make him kill you and there's nothing you can do to stop him, kill him, or escape him.
- Vader Breath: SCP-049 does this, making it easy to tell if he's nearby.
- Video Game Cruelty Potential: You can trap SCP-106 in his cage, thus eliminating one of the big threats that will harass you throughout the game. The only downside? To do it, you have to break a man's femur in order to lure 106 into the cage and trap him. Not only do you injure the man to make him scream, but by locking him in with 106, you definitely sentenced him to a horribly painful demise.
- Villain Protagonist: Revealed through the SCP-1162 event that D-9341 was a Researcher before unauthorised research had him demoted to a Class-D.
- Voice Changeling: SCP-939, appropriately named 'Of Many Voices'. In game, it speaks in the voices of various Foundation personnel in order to draw the player closer to it's location. It's actually a spiky carnivorous monster that will attack you and try to devour you. The voices are bait, taken from its previous victims.
- White Mask of Doom: SCP-035 can be found in its chamber, possessing a scientist.
- The Worf Effect: SCP-173 is arguably the main antagonist of the game. If Nine-Tailed Fox finds it, they can actually contain it and return it to its cell!
- You Wake Up in a Room: The game starts in your cell, from which you are removed for an experiment with SCP-173. There's also a document explaining your purpose at the facility.