Starcraft 2 Push To Talk Key

  1. Starcraft Code Key
  2. Starcraft 2 Push To Talk Key
  3. Push To Talk Malaysia Maxis

Key Features. A cracking climax to the StarCraft 2 saga, Legacy of the Void combines the best ever StarCraft multiplayer experience with what’s arguably the strongest of the three campaigns. If you played and loved Wings of Liberty and Heart of the Storm then you’ve probably bought this already and loving every minute. It says 'tilde' key. Isn´t that the key next to 1 on the keyboard? It doesn´t WORK! But I don´t know how to talk:( And it says Voice Chat when.

Starcraft 2 has an in-game microphone feature (push-to-talk), but none of my party members have had success in getting the voice chat to work.

Does anyone know how to fix this issue?

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12 Answers

It's been very hit or miss for me, so my team has just been using Skype.

Here's another (closed) question that mentions several other alternatives


I'm not sure about the voicechat in SC2, but have you tried Ventrilo??

It's supposed to be very highly regarded in the online gaming community, as a means for verbal communication.

16.2k21 gold badges88 silver badges187 bronze badges

I have never had a problem with voice chat.
I could only suggest increasing the number of voice channels (should be under 'Sound' in the game Options menu),or try explicitly setting the Voice Input and Output devices.

Mod authors generally offer information in mod descriptions on the Nexus should their files require to be configured in a set order, and there are even tools available that can check to see if there are any problems with your setup.Download and install LOOT, which we strongly recommend you run each and every time you edit your load order or install/remove a mod. At the time of writing, LOOT doesn't support SSE just yet, though the developer is actively working to get a stable release published shortly. How to use nexus mods on steam skyrim pc.

A week or so ago, I was playing 2v2 team games with a friend, I was dissatisfied with the voice chat quality. Despite he game's default setup for killing the music and bringing the game sounds down to 25%, his voice coming out of the same speakers was just 'fuzzy', and I didn't like it.

Starcraft Code Key

I went downstairs and grabbed a USB->Headphone adapter device I have had for a while, and plugged it into out iMac. I set up a small 3.1 speaker set I had in the room and plugged them into the adapter. Afterwards, configure the game to EXPLICITLY use Game Music/Sounds via the Built-In Speakers, hit the Voice tab, and configure it to use the 'USB Audio Device' for output. (This was kind of a crap-shoot task to do, because the Output Device list listed not one, not two, but FOUR 'USB Audio Device's. It was simple given the ability to tell my friend 'start talking and I'll tell you when to stop' so I can test the ports.)

Now, I could not only turn the Voice Output up louder, but given that it was travelling out of a different physical device, it seemed a lot cleaner. This is anecdotal at best, and I'm sure I could have cleaned it up by turning Voice Output up, setting the sound/music to be cut harder, but frankly I'm enjoying this setup.

Ultimately, I have an external USB Mic set up for my own speech as well, game sounds and music coming out the built in speakers, and all game voice chat comes out a separate set of speakers. It's a busy/packed, but ultimately higher quality setup. (Again, anecdotally at best, but I still prefer it.)

15.1k27 gold badges102 silver badges177 bronze badges

Starcraft 2 Push To Talk Key


I'd like to note that Team Speak is free AND they have a free public server. I've used it for SC2 and D&D games. Works great!

4,3296 gold badges32 silver badges49 bronze badges

It has been working on and off ever since it came out in Beta. Release day of SC2 it worked, but i have not had it working since day 2.. They really need to fix that; i am sick of using vent!

This is true for both automatic and push to talk.


This may or may not help in your case; I'm using a standard UK layout keyboard and have my push-to-talk key left at default: grave/tilde. Usually when games refer to the tilde key (~), they mean `, since it's located in the upper left like the tilde is on US keyboards. Neither that or my actual tilde key works and I had assumed I was experiencing the problems other answerers cite. While typing I realised that the key actually used to activate voice - at least for me - is ' (@ when used with shift).


Push To Talk Malaysia Maxis

3,4071 gold badge21 silver badges36 bronze badges

Voice chat in SC2 is broken at the moment.

Hopefully they will fix this soon, as it is quite annoying.

Until then, if you want to utilize voice chat to communicate with your team mates you will need to utilize a 3rd party application, a list of those can be found here

1,0381 gold badge9 silver badges20 bronze badges

I'm using voice chat in Sc2 everyday. I'm from South Africa and my friend in the US. We use the chat feature every time and its works very well in our 2v2 games. We have set it to voice activated so we don't have to hit a key every time we want to chat. We even had 4 ppl chatting last weekend.

Invite all to party and chat away



I use Skype for voice chat while I game - for that I use Overwolf. With Overwolf I'm able to use Skype (and other cool stuff like in-game browser) with Starcraft 2 without using alt+tab. It also features a cool UI especially for gamers (PTT and stuff).

Try it out - Overwolf - Use Skype in Game


I could not make it work until I did some portforwarding in the router menu. Check out the Battlenet FAQ on it.

The hassle doesn't seem to be worth it, really. Sound quality is so poor that my team stopped talking mid-game and went back to typing. I think we shall go back to Skype because, even though it's a hassle, at least the quality is reliable and you don't have to ask/repeat things 10 times every single time you say something.

15.1k27 gold badges102 silver badges177 bronze badges

For mac, I has to do the following:

  1. Enable voice chat in Options > Voice Chat. Use the testing utility to make sure your mic setup works. I recommend usingvoice-activated. But set up the hotkey anyway so you can try it bothways:

  2. Hotkey: Options > Hotkeys (it's lower left) > Global; expand UI, find Push-to-talk. When I clicked this initially it said Key/OEM8. I don't know what that is but it didn't work. Generally it's set to Backtick: ` - that won't conflict with anything (to the left of 1). Bind the hotkey.

That should do it. In a party, your allies can hear you, but your opponents can't. If you are playing against someone in your party, they won't be able to hear you. The voice chat should work always - in the menus, even on loading screens. It's lower quality audio, but in my experience it works pretty well.


It's push-to-talk, which is not immediately obvious ..

Matthew Lowe

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