Edit Entry Point Indovision

  1. Roblox

Thanks a lot! I still had a Program.cs in the project. I was able to compile and run the solution after deleting Program.cs. So a C# solution in Visual Studio may only have one entry point i.e. Only one.cs file with a Main function. Is this correct? Yes, only one entry point. Only one file having static Main function. Easily update and edit your payment method Receive an email confirmation of payment To start now either search by your Account Number or Account Name by entering details below and clicking Search.

Recently, we decided to move one of our services to docker container. The service is product of another company and they have provided us the docker image. However, we need to do some extra configuration steps in the container entrypoint.

The first thing I tried, was to create a DockerFile from the base image and then add commands to do the extra steps, like this:

But, it failed, because these extra steps must be run after running the base container entrypoint.

Is there any way to extend entrypoint of a base image? if not, what is the correct way to do this?



3 Answers

Entry point consulting

I finally ended up calling the original entrypoint bash script in my new entrypoint bash script, before doing other extra configuration steps.

Entry point synonym

You do not need to even create a new Dockerfile. To modify the entrypoint you can just run the image using the command such as below:

docker run --entrypoint new-entry-point-cmd baseimage:tag <optional-args-to-entrypoint>


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create your custom entry-point file

-> add this to image

-> specify this as your entrypoint file


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