Fallout 4 Heavy Incinerator

  1. Fallout 4 Heavy Incinerator Mod

The Incinerator is a previous weapon in the Fallout that is a Flamer that shoots fireballs over long distances that explodes. There is also an added tank; the Napalm B, which simply increases damage. As well as by default, the flamer now shoots at 127 Fire rate. Fallout 3 Heavy incinerator glitch. For You Explore. Do you want to remove all your recent searches? All recent searches will be deleted. Fallout 4 - The Heavy Sleeper Mythical Deathclaw - Funny Glitch. Super Milkbox. Fallout 4 Glitches: 'Unlimited XP Glitch' Max Level Glitch 'Rank Up Fast' Fallout 4.

For the heavy incinerator that appears in Fallout: New Vegas, see Heavy incinerator (Fallout: New Vegas).

Heavy incinerator



Fallout 4 Heavy Incinerator Mod

Attack statistics

5 x1

Ammo & Reloading

ammo type

ammo cap.

item HP


Perk effects

The heavy incinerator is a weapon which is added to Fallout 3 with the Broken Steeladd-on.



The heavy incinerator is essentially a napalm launcher; it lobs flammable fuel with a splash damage possibility at the target in an arc. These 'projectiles' cause splash damage, and will most often set the enemy on fire, unless a large 'miss' variance is registered. The heavy incinerator can be fired at extremely long distances with relatively good accuracy; it can even be effectively fired across the Potomac River to hit enemies on the other side.

Just having the heavy incinerator equipped is enough to ignite gas leaks because of the pilot light on the front of the weapon, like some other fire-based weapons in the game.

The appearance of the heavy incinerator is closer to that of the original flamer from Fallout than the flamer from Fallout 3.


The heavy incinerator can successfully shoot about 222 times, the equivalent of 10 reloads, from full condition before breaking.


It is equipped by Enclave Hellfire troopers.


  • Must be Level 15 or higher to be able to get this weapon.
  • During the reloading animation, the small handles on the fuel tanks all start to turn and then stop when the weapon is loaded.
  • The fuel tanks on the sides are almost identical to flamer fuel canisters including the small handle on the top of the canisters, this indicates that the incinerator fires bolts of fuel instead of lit canisters.


  • PCPlaystation 3Xbox 360 In V.A.T.S. you fire 1-6 shots with every attack, but your ammunition will only be reduced by one, no matter how many shots were fired. [verified]
  • PC Using a Stealth Boy while having the heavy incinerator equipped will not hide the flame coming from the pilot light, generating a small graphics glitch. [verified]


Brass knuckles (Steel knuckles) ·Deathclaw gauntlet ·Power fist (Fisto!, The Shocker) ·Spiked knuckles (Plunkett's Valid Points)
BladedAuto axe, Steel saw (Man Opener, The Mauler) ·Axe (The Dismemberer) ·Chinese officer's sword (Jingwei's shocksword, Samurai's sword, Vampire's Edge) ·Combat knife (Occam's Razor, Stabhappy, Trench knife) ·Knife (Ant's Sting, Slasher knife, Ritual knife, Toy knife) ·Ripper (Jack) ·Shishkebab ·Shovel (Fertilizer shovel) ·Switchblade (Butch's Toothpick)
BluntBaseball bat ·Lead pipe ·Nail board (Board of Education) ·Police baton ·Pool cue (The Break) ·Repellent stick ·Rolling pin ·Shock baton (Electro-Suppressor) ·Sledgehammer (The Tenderizer) ·Super sledge (Fawkes' super sledge) ·Tire iron (Highwayman's Friend)
Pistols.32 pistol (Wild Bill's Sidearm) ·10mm pistol (Colonel Autumn's 10mm pistol) ·Chinese pistol (Zhu-Rong v418 Chinese pistol) ·Dart gun ·Silenced 10mm pistol ·Scoped .44 Magnum (Blackhawk, Callahan's Magnum, Paulson's revolver)
ShotgunsCombat shotgun (The Terrible Shotgun) ·Double-barrel shotgun ·Sawed-off shotgun (The Kneecapper)
SMGs10mm SMG (Sydney's 10mm 'Ultra' SMG)
RiflesAssault rifle (Infiltrator, Perforator) ·BB gun ·Chinese assault rifle (Xuanlong assault rifle) ·Hunting rifle (Ol' Painless) ·Lever-action rifle (Backwater rifle) · (Lincoln's repeater) ·Railway rifle ·Sniper rifle (Reservist's rifle, Victory rifle)
Direct fireDrone cannon (Drone cannon Ex-B) ·Flamer (Burnmaster, Rapid-torch flamer, Slo-burn flamer) ·Gatling laser (Precision Gatling laser, Vengeance) ·Heavy incinerator ·Minigun (Eugene) ·Rock-It Launcher
Area of effectFat Man (Experimental MIRV) ·Missile launcher (Miss Launcher)
PistolsAlien atomizer (Atomic pulverizer, Captain's Sidearm) ·Alien blaster (Firelance) ·Laser pistol (Colonel Autumn's laser pistol, Protectron's Gaze, Smuggler's End) ·Mesmetron (Microwave emitter) ·Plasma pistol (MPLX Novasurge)
RiflesAlien disintegrator (Destabilizer) ·Gauss rifle ·Laser rifle (Metal Blaster, Wazer Wifle) ·Plasma rifle (A3-21's plasma rifle) ·Tesla cannon ·Tri-beam laser rifle
GrenadesBio-gas canister ·Cryo grenade ·Frag grenade ·Nuka-grenade ·Plasma grenade ·Pulse grenade
MinesBottlecap mine ·Cryo mine ·Frag mine ·Plasma mine ·Pulse mine
Accessible(Black Bart's Bane) · (Breaker) · (Clover's Cleaver) · (Curse Breaker, Excalibat) · (Discharge hammer) ·Fists · (Gauss rifle (Beta)) · (Grenade launcher) ·Katana · (Law Dog) · (Lightning gun) · (Love Tap) ·Mirelurk bait grenade · (O'Grady's Peacemaker) · (Pa's Fishing Aid) ·Signal flare ·Smoke grenade ·Spanner · (Tesla cannon (Beta)) · (Wanda)
InaccessibleCryolator ·Mason jar mine ·Piggy bank grenade ·Air hammer gun
Parentheses () denote unique weapon variants, italics denote weapons available through add-ons.
QuestsDeath From Above ·Shock Value ·Who Dares Wins ·Holy Water ·Protecting the Water Way ·The Amazing Aqua Cura! ·The Sorrowful Suitor ·Blood Brotherhood ·Getting Ready for Prime Time ·Water Caravan Squabble
AchievementsDeath From Above ·Shock Value ·Who Dares Wins ·Devil ·True Mortal ·Messiah
LocationsAdams Air Force Base (Adams storage facility, Air control tower, Mobile base crawler) ·Hank's Electrical Supply ·Holy Light Monastery ·Museum Authority Building ·Olney Powerworks (Old Olney underground, Old Olney S. Wilson Building) ·Presidential metro (Presidential sub level) ·Satellite relay station (Rockland car tunnel) ·White House Plaza
WeaponsCallahan's Magnum ·Discharge hammer ·Grenade launcher ·Heavy incinerator ·Lightning gun ·Precision Gatling laser ·Rapid-torch flamer ·Slo-burn flamer ·Tesla cannon ·Tesla cannon (Beta) ·Tri-beam laser rifle ·Colonel Autumn's laser pistol
ArmorAll-nighter nightwear ·Composite recon helmet ·Enclave Hellfire armor ·Lab coat ·Lag-Bolt's combat armor ·Lag-Bolt's shades ·Police hat ·Tesla resonance armor ·Wig
ItemsAqua Cura ·Aqua Pura ·Deathclaw control scrambler ·Holy water ·Main fuse ·Senate employee ID ·Super mutant blood sample ·Tesla coil
and creatures
Friendly NPCsScribe Bigsley ·Paladin Tristan ·Scribe Vallincourt ·M.A.R.Go.T. ·Wint ·Kidd ·Badger ·Connelly ·Carl ·Dunbar ·Griffon ·Brother Gerard ·Mother Curie III ·Atom's Champion ·Sun of Atom ·Rosa ·Officer Lepelletier ·Officer Davis ·Officer Lorin ·Stiggs ·Hoover ·Sparky ·Sanders ·Paladin Jensen ·Project Purity scientist ·Operations Officer Edwards ·Split Jack ·Novice ·Bandits
Hostile NPCsAdams Air Force Base scientist ·Armory master ·Enclave Hellfire trooper ·Enclave Sigma Leader ·Enclave Squad Sigma ·Lag-Bolt ·Security officer ·Ghoul guard
CreaturesFeral ghoul reaver ·Super mutant overlord ·Albino radscorpion
PerksAlmost Perfect ·Deep Sleep ·Devil's Highway ·Escalator to Heaven ·Karmic Rebalance ·Nerves of Steel ·No Weaknesses ·Nuclear Anomaly ·Party Boy/Party Girl ·Rad Absorption ·Rad Tolerance ·Puppies! ·Quantum Chemist ·Warmonger
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