Rome Total War Pc Cheat

Strategy Guide/Walkthrough/FAQ

The Rome Total War cheats and cheat codes will help give you that extra edge when playing the single player grand campaign and scenarios. To enable Rome Total War cheats press the tilde key at the top level of any standard keyboard to bring up the console window. It is here that you will enter the cheat code for the desired effect.

Cheat mode

Note: This procedure involves editing a game file; create a backup copy of the file before proceeding. Use a text editor to edit the 'preferences.txt' file in the game folder. For infinite ammunition, change the value of the 'LIMITED_AMMO:' line from 'TRUE' to 'FALSE'. You can do the same for for morale, fatigue, fog of war, etc. values. Note: You must start a new campaign for the changes to take effect.

  • PC Submitted by dart96. Press to open cheat prompt, then enter the cheat. C:Program FilesThe Creative AssemblyRome - Total Wardata.
  • Here are some Rome Total War Cheats. I will tell you the ones. As for cheats, I.
Stand off

When you are outnumbered, have low forces, and know that you will lose, get a good stand off position by gathering all of your remaining forces, and go to a hill or the highest position if possible. If that is unavailable, go into the forests. Then, gather your forces and put all archers in the very back, all medium to close ranged missile weapons in middle, and all of your spearmen in the front with the legionnaires, swordsmen, etc. just behind. If you have elephants or horses, put them javelins. Then, with the spearmen formation, you can either wait for the enemy to hit the spearmen then charge with horses. However it would be better to horse charge them when they are in archer or javelin range, then keep bombarding them. Next, use all of your swordsmen to attack after the enemy hits the spearmen. Then, use all of your forces to charge, except for the archers. Move them away from the fight and keep bombarding. This is also a good choke point defensive maneuver.

Defend your settlement

Use the following tactic to fight an outnumbered foe at your settlement. If you know that you cannot defend your walls because there is too much ground to cover and you forces will be to thin to stop them, then follow this strategy. Put all your armies in the central plaza of the city. According to their location, put your light infantry blocking the path of where they would go after the walls break through. Remember that you want to make a small chokepoint so that they can fight only one way and not surround you. Then, put your heavy infantry behind the light infantry and put your cavalry on the flanks so that you can attack them at the sides. When they attack and are charging at you infantry, order all the infantry (including heavy infantry) to charge. Then, have your cavalry cut the enemy's retreat and attack their flanks. If this is successful, their front and rear will be attacked, allowing you to crush them. Note: This cannot be done against human players.


If the Senate asks you blockade a port, etc., you can go blockade it for the last turn and not have to do it for the entire five.

Building debug mode commands

Use the following commands after enabling the 'building_debug' code:

Rome Total War Pc Cheat
    Toggle view modes: [Tab]
    Reset mode: [Right Shift] + [Tab]
    Go back modes: [Left Shift] + [Tab]
    Damages building under pointer: G
    Display plaza: P
Creating units examples

Note: You can only do this once per game session and the codes are case-sensitive:

Create_unit 'Arretium' 'roman arcani' 5 units max 8 offense max 8 defense max 8 experience points max:

    create_unit 'Arretium' 'roman arcani' 5 8 8 8
    create_unit 'Kotais' 'greek silver shield pikemen' 5 8 8 8 8
    create_unit 'Kotais' 'east hoplite brazen shield' 5 8 8 8 8

An example of the earlier incorrect cheat for Oliphant:

    Create_unit 'Arretium' cheat oliphants' 5 8 8 8 8 Yubtseb Elephants (or replace it with merc elephants)

An example of a city with two names:

    create_unit 'Campus_Iazyges' 'roman heavy onager' 5 8 8 8 8
    create_unit 'Campus_Alanni' 'roman praetorian cohort urban i'

    'Urban Cohort'

Create population examples

Note: You can only do this once per game session and the codes are case-sensitive.


    add_population Arretium 5000

An example of a city with two names:

    add_population Campus_Sarmatae 5000
Completing building example

The same principle holds true for completing building under construction: Note: You can only do this once per game session and the codes are case-sensitive.

    process_cq Arretium
    process_cq Campus_Sarmatae
Cheat Codes

While playing the game, press ~ to display the console window. Then, enter one of the following codes to activate the corresponding cheat function:

Result Cheat Code
Increase money by 20,000 [Note]add_money 20000
10% cheaper units in campaign modegamestop or bestbuy
40% bigger elephants in campaign modeoliphaunt
Walls fall down in siege in battle map modejericho
Add population to indicated cityadd_population [city name] [number]
Toggle fog of wartoggle_fow
Give character the trait at indicated levelgive_trait [character] [trait] [number]
Complete all building in construction queue;
can only be used once
process_cq [city name]
Complete all military units in recruitment
queue; can only be used once
process_rq [city name]
Display help for desired command[command]?
Attacker or defender automatically wins
next auto resolved battle
auto_win [attacker defender]
Creates a unit in the selected settlement or
characters army with the stats you input
create_unit [settlement or character] [unit ID]
[amount] [exp or armor or weapon]
Lists all traitslist_traits
Move indicated character to desired
move_character [name] [x,y]
Give points for indicated character's traitgive_trait_points [character] [trait] [number]
Force opponent to accept diplomatic
force_diplomacy [accept decline off]
General invincibile in combatinvulnerable_general [character]
Changes datedate [year]
Kill indicated characterkill_character [character]
Change seasonseason [summer winter]
Capture indicated city capture_settlement [city name]
Toggle strategy map coastline displaytoggle_coastlines
Toggle tabbed output window displaytoggle_tow
Toggle camera restrictionstoggle_restrictcam
Toggle underlaytoggle_underlay
Toggle overlaytoggle_overlay
Toggle everyone's spying ability to
perfect and infinite range
Toggle building debug modebuilding_debug
Toggle display of simple performance
times of game update vs. display
Toggle message collation (sets all
Toggle show all messages to all
Toggle display of campaign map
flowing water
Toggle display of network statsnw_stats
Toggle pr modetoggle_pr
Give character an ancillarygive_ancillary
Reset character to start of turn settingscharacter_reset
Show cursor position and region IDshow_cursorstat
Toggle the terrain to display various data
sets; no parameter resets to normal
Give character points for traitgive_trait_points
List all available ancillarieslist_ancillaries
Give the character movement pointsmp [value]
List all characters in the world or those
belonging to a faction
Show landing positions available to the AI
from a given region; default hides them
Apply filter to world map coastlines filter_coastlines
Set health of building of the specified type
in a settlement
set_building_health [value]
Set maximum speed of turn processing
during AI round
ai_turn_speed [value]
Set aerial map overlay depth bias for
minimum zoom
amdb_min [value]
Set aerial map overlay depth bias for
maximum zoom
amdb_max [value]
Set aerial map overlay offset towards
amdb_offset [value]
Zoom to specified aerial map zoomzoom [value]
Set denominator of the faction ranking graph
interval (calculated as number_of_turns divided
by denominator); if 0, then denominator will be
set to number_of_turns for an interval of 1
set_ranking_interval [value]
Regenerate radarregenerate_radar
Adjust sea bed to specified heightadjust_sea_bed [value]
Reload all vertex shadersreload_shaders
Reload all texturesreload_textures
Fire toggle_game_update [mt toggle reload int]
Force display reset cyclereset_display
Set diplomatic stance between the two
diplomatic_stance [value]
Add all ancillary to the character info
Ignite all piggy winksburn_piggies_burn
Test the event message specified in
Display defensive terrain featuresshow_terrain_lines
Clear all stacked messagesclear_messages
List all units in an armylist_units
Show victory message for faction
for short or long campaign
Trigger advicetrigger_advice
Damage wall of settlementdamage_wall [none gate breach]
Open victory scroll declaring that
the given faction is the victor
Trigger unit upgrade effectupgrade_effect
Force local player's alliance to win the
Force local player's alliance to lose the
Output positions of all units in the battle
to the specified file
output_unit_positions [filename]
Show all valid processed paths in
Show all valid processed paths in
pathfinder for specific unit given a unit ID
show_battle_paths_for_unit [value]
Show the street plan for the settlement show_battle_street_plan
Display a marker at x, y for t secondsshow_battle_marker [value]
Display a circle at x, y of r radius
for t seconds
show_battle_circle [value]
Remove faction from the gamekill_faction [value]
Create diplomacy missiondiplomacy_mission
create event at positionevent [value]
Switch player control to specified
faction; old faction may not act
correctly as AI faction
control [value]
Create building of the specified type
in a settlement
create_building [value]
Disable AIdisable_ai
Halts turn sequence just before the start of
the specified faction's turn, or the current
faction if no faction given
halt_ai [value]
Restarts an AI turn sequencerun_ai

Note: You must do this on the campaign map, and can only be done once per game. After the first time, you must save, quit, and restart the game to use it again.

Posted by8 months ago


I recently purchased ROME: Total War for the iPhone X. The cost was $9.99 and I was apprehensive at first in purchasing it. I was curious as to if the game would run as well as I hoped for the price. I found a lack of reviews for the game on the iPhone X (or XS). I saw plenty for the iPad versions but I wanted to see how it was with a much smaller device.

In this review I will not go into the game itself exactly (since to be honest, its just about a direct import). But I am going to overview the controls and how they managed to make the game playable using one small screen for everything (opposed to the keyboard and mouse). I will also go into some things that I really liked regarding the application and things that I learned that may be helpful that I saw others had issues with when I looked at the reviews on the App Store.

Graphics and Efficiency:

I was absolutely amazed when I started the game and everything looked identical, if not better, than what the PC version looks like. I actually installed the Gold Edition of ROME: Total War on STEAM and have been playing it for about 70+ hours in the last few weeks. The iPhone graphics look great.

My next concern was if the mass amounts of troops and characters would slow down the phone or eat through the battery life. I played a few battles in campaign and also historical battles to see how things held up. I did not notice any noticeable slowness or lag, which was surprising. The only thing I will mention is I did notice a lack of 'smoothness' if you will during the 4x speed during battles with a lot of action going on and rendering (inside a city). I use 'smoothness' lightly since, well, its 4x. Not a huge deal, and I'm being rather picky when I mention it.

Rome Total War Pc Cheat List


This was a MAJOR concern for me. I'm a PC kind of guy. I like my mouse and keyboard. I love all my hot keys and shortcuts. I wont lie, when I first played the game I was rather frustrated with the controls and how the game was set up. But I relaxed and realized that it's not a bad set up, just different. A learning curve. After I adjusted to the controls and how things were set up I began to fully appreciate how the developers made things as painless as possible. The tutorial is very helpful, but rather bothersome with how slow it goes. Well worth it though.

Battlefield Controls - The developers made things very straight forward. you tap the unit (as if you clicked on it via mouse) and you can move it around. There's a small line menu at the bottom with various hot keys, much like the bottom right tray of the PC version. The thing to get used to is un-selecting units when you're done with them. Occasionally I find myself accidentally sending the unit I just moved, positioned, or ordered as well as the 2nd unit I wanted to control. This again is a learning curve, but once I adjusted it was smooth sailing to conquer my foes.

World Map Controls - Again, straight forward. You select the unit(s) that you wish to move, drag them to where you want them or where you want the action to take place. Then an icon appears giving you the option to confirm. With a small screen it can be finicky at times getting an exact stopping point, but the option to cancel and remap helps a great deal. Things are smooth and no problems here.

Settlement Management - Oh dear lord I was scared to death of this part. As your empire grows you have so many towns to manage and monitor. You have so many options on what buildings to build, units to build, taxes and population management, what shrine you want to main in that city, and so on. There is a learning curve with this, biggest one in this version of the game. When you first start attempting to navigate through your settlement and armies for your managing needs I will warn you that you'll likely want to yank your hair out and start yelling things such as, but not limited to, 'HOW THE HECK DO I GET TO _____. WHY CAN'T I DO ______. WHY IN THE WORLD IS IT ________.' But stick with it, because it takes no time at all to get adjusted to how the system works. Just remember, double tapping is your friend in this game just like double clicking a mouse. But if you're not like me and aren't a micromanaging son-of-a-gun, don't stress. They still have Auto-Manage for Units, Buildings, or Both.

Various Thoughts and Helpful Items:

For starters, a more direct tutorial with explanations of controls in particular. It does a fair job preparing you for the game at hand, but at times it's more of move X to Y in order to attack Z. This is something the developers should look into; however, its not pressing.

Console Commands! Yes ladies and gentlemen, you can open a console and use the same old fashion cheat codes and console commands that you did on the PC version. This is not explained anywhere in the game (at least that I saw), but it is done by touching the top corners and holding them simultaneously. The console will then appear with a keyboard. Once you're done click out of the console box back onto the game and it disappears. Repeat as necessary.

Remember when you had to beat a campaign in order to unlock all the factions? Yeah that's still a thing.. BUT, they added a way for you to unlock all the factions right off the bat. If you go into your phone settings on your home screen, go down to the ROME: Total War applications, and scroll down in the list of items you'll see a slider with the option to unlock all the factions. Personally I love playing as Greece (immediate pillage of Athens anyone?) and I was thrilled that this was possible right off the bat.

Altering Unit Formation and Custom Unit Setup. This was probably the biggest hurdle and complaint I had with the game. Especially as Greece, positioning of your hoplites is absolutely crucial for your success at higher difficulties. What I'm talking about is the yellow triangles that appear and you stretch your unit or angle them in a particular fashion. There was no explanation of this in the tutorial, not in the help menu, and I didn't find a single thing for the iPhone on the web. It was explained for the iPad, but I found out that it's slightly different on the iPhone. I emailed the developer directly, and within 24 hours they responded with my answer. In order to do this you select your unit and then touch the screen in the general area you want to position them with two fingers. Hold them until two purple circles appear and then the yellow triangles will appear for your custom unit formation.

Saving the game took me a little bit to figure out, and again the shortcut isn't exactly explained either. You can get to the save menu through the adviser screen and hitting the pause button. Alternatively, you can quickly swipe three spaced out fingers simultaneously to prompt the save menu.

Battery Life hasn't really been a problem (yet) on my iPhone X. Even after a few hours of playing my battery life appears to have expected battery depletion considering I'm playing an interactive game. I would put it on par with streaming an HD video. This is also with a relatively new iPhone X and without the entire map being conquered. I am interested in how the system will hold up once there's a lot more explored terrain with much more various AI units to manage. I will update this in the future if I notice anything significant.


Bottom Line? This is the greatest ten bucks I have ever spent on a phone game. Especially since I have loved the ROME: Total War game on PC, but even a new user would love it. The game is huge and provides countless of hours of enjoyment and fun. The game does take a little bit to get used to, with the difference in controls and how to navigate to different areas. But once you get used to them its smooth sailing. It wasn't long before I was tapping and navigating like I've been playing it my whole life. Especially on the battlefield.

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I am genuinely impressed with how the game performs on a phone and how smooth the controls were set up. Not only that, but the developers are very quick to respond and be helpful with any problems encountered. I'm not going to give the game a numerical rating, but I will say I am still impressed with how great it performs.

Rome Total War Pc Cheat Codes

If you loved the PC version, or enjoy the Total War games, I would strongly suggest considering this as an option.

I hope this helps anyone who is on the fence as to if they're going to indulge into the ROME: Total War game on the iPhone X or XS.

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