How To Edit Follower Skyrim
How To Edit Follower Mods Skyrim
Obviously it's Bethesda's game, and I thank them for allowing modders the privilege of editing it. I must thank JustinOther on the Bethesda Softworks Forums for attempting to help me with the script, though it wasn't used in the final version. However, he did give me the invaluable idea of using a formlist that contained all follower packages.
Skyrim Best Followers
Hello. I am trying to change a standalone custom follower's hairstyle but I can't seem to load any of the standalone custom followers (made by other people) properly in CK. Whenever I load one, their face either goes dark (in CK) and some of them even lose their custom face entirely and revert to a default face. Also, all the makeup/tints seem to be out of place as well.
How To Edit Follower Skyrim 1
From what I have read so far, seems like it has to do with their FaceGenData .. CK cannot load them properly or something. So how can I load a standalone custom follower in CK and change his/her hairstyle without altering their custom looks?